Listed below are some of the most common reasons why people joined the Parrot Place and started their own businesses. Are any of their reasons your reasons?
If You Want to be Truly Happy,
Find Something You Love to Do,
Then Find a Way to Make Money Doing It!
You Already Love Parrots!
Soon You Will Love This Business!
You will be teaching people about parrots, helping them match one to their lifestyle and explaining the responsibility they will have owning a parrot for a pet.
You will become an authority on raising and handling parrots. Able to maximize each bird's potential for talking and handling. You will be able to teach your customers how to maintain the pet quality of their birds.
You can personally own the birds you've always dreamed of having. Using them as show birds to help with sales for your business, they'll even be tax deductible. With our nurturing guidance techniques you may even improve the quality of the birds you already own.
You will be helping to improve the conditions that parrots are raised and sold under in America by educating the consumer. The Parrot Place sets the standard for how birds should be raised and sold.
You will certainly make good friends. Your customers will get to know and trust you. They have been to your home and respect your caring and knowledge of birds. They will ask for your opinion and advice and you will gladly give it. After all, your satisfied customers will become a great source for referrals.
You will also establish great relationships with other Parrot Place Locations through our Parrot Place Community. You will glean much information from all members throughout the Nationwide Organization.
You and your significant other will share the joy of owning your own business. This business can be great for getting your children involved also, teaching them some responsibilities such as caring for and working with the birds.
By maintaining your Parrot Place membership you can still pick up extra income selling parrots, cages, food, toys and accessories, even into retirement
Picture yourself and your family hand raising Moluccans, Umbrellas, Amazons, Greys, Macaws, any bird you want, we have them all. You will get your birds at about six to eight weeks old, when they are just beginning to form their own little personalities and you can start working with them right away.
All This and So Much More will be Yours to Enjoy!
Getting Paid for Doing Something You Enjoy
How Much More Could a Person Ask For?
Government Statistics State that: 72% of consumers want VALUE with their purchase and are willing to pay more money for it. We offer the most VALUE in the industry and our birds are still competitively priced This is one of the most important reasons we, as Parrot Place locations, have sold so many birds over the years.
TO SUM UP... How and Why Our Program Works:
You will offer to the consumer... A Free Service... The Finest Quality Birds...
The Most Value in the Industry.
To earn an income equal to a Parrot Place location you would need to invest about $25,000. Where do you get your breeders from? Where will you set them up? Do you know enough about it? Can you work around the clock? Do you have help? Have you thought about security from weather and theft? What if your birds don't produce or even die? You still have to sell the babies.
Many of our locations bred birds before they joined. Since 1989, very few of them continued to breed after joining. It was their choice. Their reason, LIFESTYLE: Breeding birds was too much work, investment and risk.
Major investment in time and money. Where do you get you quantities of birds? You'll have fixed hours, you have to be there. You'll have to sell the birds. At least three times as many as you would have to sell working at home to make the same income. Your investment is at risk.
To buy birds on your own and try to re-sell them could cost you more money than joining and I'll tell you why it won't work.
YOU HAVE: NO Credibility - NO Value - NO Supply
I am convinced that this is the only safe way you can have a bird business, still enjoy the birds and have a lifestyle others will envy. . You will own this business; the business will not own you.
Think about the options for a minute and tell me... WOULDN'T YOU AGREE?
In considering this business give careful thought to how much money you have to work with. How much money you WANT to earn? How much money you NEED to earn? When you call me with this information I will explain what you need to do to meet your goals.
Selling just four birds a month from your home will give you a net income of about $25,000 per year. Profit per sale can be $500 to as much as $1,000.
Behavioral work, cages, supplies, grooming, and boarding birds. Believe it or not, people will give you birds for free to work with and sell.
Tax advantages are incredible. It's not how much you earn but how much you keep that's important. Legitimate deductions include, part of your home and utilities, your computer, TV, DVD player, camera, travel, mileage, bird supplies, cost of membership and much more.
With the Tax Savings Alone...
You Could Recoup Your Entire Investment.
You can work this business at your own pace but it's hard to slow it down when you establish a reputation and receive referrals all the time. Your business may outgrow your house. Your options will be to keep your business small or you can add on to your home or move. You can open a store if you want or you can get others to sell birds for you.
We Have a Proven Track Record of Success.
This Business Will Work for Everyone Willing to Work It.
(All You Do is Be Excited, Willing and Able to Follow our Instructions)
Our National Director retired after 7 years of helping people start this business and chose ME to continue in her footsteps. If she feels I have the knowledge, experience, and desire to do this shouldn't you?
My Success Depends on Making Others Successful: If I don't think you will be successful I will tell you, because once you join, my reputation is in your hands.
Missing... Is the Personal Touch!!! When you purchase a business opportunity you are almost always buying a "get rich quick" scheme or a franchise from a corporation. Their success does not depend on making people successful. They sell to anyone and an employee is responsible to answer your questions and train you. Ask yourself: If the business is so great why don't their employees start their own? I PERSONALLY want to make this safe, affordable, enjoyable and profitable for all bird lovers.
Below is an overview of what our community has to offer. We have added a significant new support system as of October 1, 2007. It is an online area for all Parrot Place Locations to gather to share information. Listed below are just a few of the forums that are available on the new site:
The list above is just a brief overview of the things we have going on right now. There is much more and also much more to come. We have all found this new tool to be very effective as a way to support one another. It gives you support 24/7.
Aside from my own background and experiences in the parrot business, I continue to learn from others. Much of what I teach you comes from our locations themselves. Their successes and their problems all benefit our organization. It is a continual learning experience that we share.
You will also have the option to join our Parrot Place Community Website as a subscription member. Here you will be able to access other Parrot Place locations to learn from their experiences and hear their suggestions. This will keep you on top of the industry with the latest techniques for raising and selling the finest birds in the industry.
I have trained extensively with the founder of the Parrot Place. What I have learned about goal setting and motivation, I will be teaching to you.
Call Me! We can get to know each other. I will answer your questions. We will discuss your area, prices of birds and your qualifications. I will give you locations to call, if you want. We can discuss financing, if needed.
Print and read the contract carefully. It contains the details of what you will receive and our responsibilities to each other.
Reach a Comfort Level, Call Me and Join. You will receive your training material instantly via our private Parrot Place Community.
Study the material and complete the start up suggestions list. Duplicate the paperwork. Begin your training. Distribute your brochures and tell people about your business.
The greatest gift successful people have over the average person is their ability to "take action."
Make this the day, that you commit yourself, to take the steps, which will enhance your life and change your future.
A Confused Mind Always Says... NO!
Don't let this opportunity pass you by
because you didn't understand it,
or misunderstood something.